Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Warning! Warning! It's the Wife....

Posted by Crazee Lady at 10:53 AM
Grumpy got a new phone. Well technically he got Drama Queen's old phone. His was too advanced for his skill set. It required touching the screen and being able to hit the right number, letter or icon. So he downgraded to a standard slider phone. We are all prepay around here. No way would I pay the rates that some of these companies charge for a phone when I can have unlimited for 50 bucks a month.

Grumpy doesn't need unlimited because the only person to call him is me and that's just so I don't have to walk down the hall and bellow up the stairs. Drama Queen needs unlimited text but not so many minutes because she doesn't believe the voice is essential in communicating. Unless of course it's with me and then her voice is going non-stop. So we all have different plans and different phones. When Grumpy downgraded to a phone for dummies he had to switch providers. The old phone was a different one. With this provider he has the ability to download ringtones. To help him out, I introduced him to Phonezoo.

I think that was my biggest mistake. A few minutes later I heard this obnoxious sounding noise from upstairs that resembled the warning signals from Star Trek. I feared what he was doing now. After all I've been listening to his obnoxious email alert for like 3 years now. Who knows what show theme he was downloading.

It was worse than I feared.

He downloaded a ringtone specifically for me. It has all these alert sounds and it makes you think the planet is exploding. Then a voice comes over and yells "Warning, Warning. It's the Wife!!" lovely. That should be quite entertaining to everyone else. Although with those alarms, it would be funny to play on December 21.

He spent most of his day yesterday adding ringtones for everyone he knows. It's like seeing a kid at Christmas. I guess now that he has a phone his brain cells can work he's decided he actually enjoys having a phone.

However, he takes forever to answer the phone now. Apparently he needs to sit and listen to this warning message for a few minutes and snicker to himself. Since he thinks it's the funniest thing on the planet of course. 

Now I need a ringtone that says "IDIOT CALLING"


Grumpy said...

It is the funniest thing on earth.

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