Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Here Lies the Crazee Lady....

Posted by Crazee Lady at 12:00 PM
It's official. I must write my obituary. I am gone. I've died, gone to heaven and then gone to hell.

My urgent plea to move dessert night and partake of that slutty little dessert succeeded. We bought the ingredients. We, and by we I mean Grumpy, made the concoction. It was everything I hoped it would be combined with everything I feared it would be.

The combination was decadent. I'm pretty sure I committed at least five sins simply by eating it. The ice cream melted into it and I just cannot describe the orgasmic joy I felt along the way.

Then it was over.

And I was sick. Nauseatingly so. The overload of sugar was both fabulous and tragic at the same time. I'm sure I gained 10 pounds with that dessert and it will take four years to remove it.

I don't regret it.

I wouldn't do it often, but holy mother of pearl was it good.

I'd hop on the treadmill, but I don't own one. Besides, I'd probably just have the last piece of this in a bowl in my hand as I walked. So I might as well skip it. In fact, I might as well eat that piece so that no one else is tempted to try. We have to keep Drama Queen on her healthy eating plan, right? I'm doing it for the good of the household. Story of my life.


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