Saturday, March 17, 2012

I'm Just Sayin.....

Posted by Crazee Lady at 10:00 AM
When someone in the home hands you a debit card and says to pay some on the bills this month, it would be in your best interest to let said person know what you paid and what the company name was. Otherwise said person might see a charge they do not recognize on their account and call the bank to report it. This could result in a frozen bank account, cancelled debit card and a report to your cell phone carrier that you used an unauthorized card to pay your bill. You might potentially blow a gasket on said person resulting in the need for large amounts of liquor to calm down. It won't matter that the person gave you the card and didn't even have possession of it when the charge was made. They won't think to ask you first if it is something that you did. When it does come out and said gasket is blown, it will be your fault. I'm just sayin....

Having an open relationship with your child where you can discuss everything is great. When they are five. When they are a teen and they have a boyfriend, it's not that much fun. You will hear about every time they held hands or every single damned word he said in a given school day. I'm just sayin....

Not everyone that is a good friend in real life is a good Facebook friend. Some people get behind the barrier of a computer and turn into super jerk. Those people will grate on your nerves until you are ready to delete them and punch them in the forehead. When it goes too far your spouse may call them a dillhole which will result in at least 3 phone calls to make sure things are okay. I'm just sayin....

When having a particularly craptastic week it is advised to stay off of the yard sale sites on Facebook. Suddenly every knick knack you see will look appealing. Money that could be better spent on drugs and alcohol will be burning a hole in your proverbial pocket. You may even find yourself contacting someone about looking at two Coach purses they have for sale. I'm just sayin.....

The word douchecanoe will never get old. I'm just sayin....

Scheduling a Girl Scout cookie booth sale on a Saturday at 10am might sound really good in February while your work is slow. However, after a long week of work the thought of being up and out of the house by 9:15 on said Saturday will really piss you off. I'm just sayin....

Moving dessert night to Tuesday so that you can partake of a particularly rich dessert that you suddenly crave will NOT diminish your desire for the regular dessert night over the weekend. In fact, you will find that you want it more this week because of the rest of this list. I'm just sayin....


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