Monday, March 19, 2012

God Has a Sense of Humor....

Posted by Crazee Lady at 10:00 AM
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. God has a sense of humor. My life is proof of that. Don't believe me? Look at just a few examples:

  • I had a financial crisis and I prayed for a miracle. 2 days later I was given a project at work that paid very very well. It, however, took 20 hours a day for 2 1/2 weeks to complete. The money was there, but everyone in this house had their life in danger for close to a month. 
  • Drama Queen went back into public school and I was very worried about this. I told her to 'go and make friends'. In 3 days she had a boyfriend. Within a month she had her first date to the dance. She also received her first kiss. This wasn't what I meant. 
  • I start planning to get what is needed to host a bonfire for Drama Queen and her school friends, preferably female ones, and the next morning a raccoon throws the squirrels out of the tree that sits 2 feet from my fire pit and moves into it. 
  • I fear said raccoon because of an 'incident' when Drama Queen was just a baby in which a raccoon attempted to kick Grumpy's ass and get inside my house while I was cooking dinner. It traumatized me so much that I have decided not to cook any longer.
The point is that God has a sense of humor. I've been trying to keep Drama Queen in some cute stylish clothes. Normally she gets new clothes a couple of times a year and that is it. When I received the above mentioned big project I took some extra money and took her to the mall. We shopped until she sat in the fitting room refusing to put on any more clothes because she wanted to go home. Which would have been fine had she put her own clothes back on first.

That said, we bought her some shirts and jeans. Really cute stuff. Made for winter. Why? Because we live where there is a 6 month long winter during the best years. We live where you need snow pants to walk to your car. We live where sledding is considered a sport.

This was 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks.

That long hard winter hasn't hit us. No. Instead we have 70-80 degree days. It looks like the 50s is as low as we will get in the foreseeable future.

Drama Queen has no shorts. We donated them all this winter. No capris. No shorts. No A/C at school. 3 weeks later and I have to buy a new round of clothes. And I didn't have a big project this week. And she still has said boyfriend. And there may or may not be a vicious animal taking up residence in a tree that lies between my deck and my fire pit. AND I have to shave my own legs.

God is laughing.


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