Wednesday, March 28, 2012

That's a Good Question....How Does It Make You Feel?

Posted by Crazee Lady at 11:06 AM
A couple of weeks ago the school sent home a flyer. They were having a workshop for parents on how to talk to your kids about sex. I looked at it and thought, hm that could be interesting. Then, naturally, I put it aside. After all, when your daughter informs you that people think she's weird because she doesn't know what masturbation is at the dinner table it's a pretty good bet that you have a grasp on having those conversations. So I didn't feel I really needed lessons in how to talk to her. Now don't get me wrong. It's a GREAT program that is much needed in our school system. But we are pretty much an open book around here.

Then they called me. Turns out the first twenty-five that registered got a $25 gift card.

Holy crow sign me up. I may not need lessons, but I always need money. Besides it wasn't a bad program at all. So why not go and see what they have to say and get my $25. Of course I signed Grumpy up too because if I have to get through this so does he. A fact he was less than thrilled by.

So we went. And we laughed. And we actually learned some things. And we role played. We had to be the teen and be the parent. And there was another person to observe. The goal was to see if you did it right. During my time as the parent I had another lady that was so into this. And I learned that I'm stumped with questions. And that "WHAT???" is not a proper answer. But then the fun began. I got to be the teen. And guess who was my dad? Yep. Grumpy.

So I asked the question much like Drama Queen would. I even included the name of The "EX" Boyfriend. And I kept asking. And I kept asking. And he never could get past "Talk to Your Mom". It's the most fun I've had all week.

I learned that I'm okay at it, but really need some practice with that shock thing.

I learned that it's best if Drama Queen NEVER goes to Grumpy with her problems.

And we each got a gift card so we scored $50.

And one poor man learned that even though he has people from church on his daughter's Facebook friends list so that they can watch her....there are ways around that. Which made me learn that I'm actually a pretty smart parent after all because I knew that. He, however, likely left very disheartened with his own parenting.


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