Friday, March 23, 2012

I'm a Prisoner in my Home....

Posted by Crazee Lady at 10:00 AM
He's back. Not only is he back, but he's holding me captive in my own home. I tried to go outside last night. When I did he sat there, less than 10 feet away, and stared me down. Neither of us moved for a good 3 seconds. Then I did what any strong and powerful woman would do. I backed up, went inside and shut the door. But I continued to stare him down. I may be a prisoner, but I was going to make him uncomfortable.

I told Grumpy that he didn't want to take the dogs outside. They wouldn't be safe. They, too, were being held captive. Soon Grumpy was beside me. We watched. We waited. He sat there and didn't move. Then he saw us. His eyes met mine and I knew that he knew that I was watching him. Grumpy had a bright idea. He was going to go after him. So he did.

He headed outside and towards the tree. That vicious creature had been coming down. I'm not sure what Grumpy had in mind when he headed out there. Maybe he was going to take him to dinner and a movie. All I know is he walked off the deck and to the tree that held him. He stared up towards him, but he had disappeared. Grumpy then proceeded to circle the tree. Like a lion looking for his prey, he walked around and around looking up the entire time. I think I heard him talking, and I kind of wondered what he was saying, but I kept the door shut so that I was safe. If Grumpy was going down, he was not going to take me with him. I was willing to sacrifice him if that meant freedom for the rest of us.

He didn't have to worry. The creature crawled up the tree and sat at the top. Watching Grumpy circle. Probably laughing and thinking he should come down just to see the dude at the bottom run like a little girl. But he didn't. He just sat there and watched. After about 20 minutes Grumpy decided it was pointless. He came back inside and we went to bed. The raccoon had won the battle.

That does not mean the war is over. It's almost bonfire season and I will be able to enjoy my backyard. That raccoon is going down.


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