So we go to pick her up at school and she walks out of the building. My mouth drops. The only words I can manage to release from my lips are What is the hell is she wearing? Of course if I were Simon Cowell it would have sounded better and included Bloody Hell, but you get the point. The following conversation ensued as she made her way to the car....
Me: What in the HELL is she wearing?
Him: I dunno. Clothes?
Me: Does she have on a skirt?
Him: I don't think so. Just pants.
Me: Those are NOT pants
Him: What are they?
Me: They are leggings
Him: Hm, I thought they were pants
Me: When have you EVER seen me buy her spandex pants?
Him: Well why does she have them?
Me: To wear under her little dress
Him: What is she wearing?
Me: A tank top with a crop top over it
Him: Hm, I didn't notice.
Me: Obviously. You get pissed because she has a boyfriend yet let her leave for middle school looking like she's working the corner.
Him: Well maybe you should pick out her clothes
Me: Maybe you should pay attention to what she's wearing?
Him: I thought it was the style
Me: To look like a prostitute?
Him: Well she's out of school. No big deal.
Me: Except we are going to Walmart. One camera and she will be online tomorrow.
Drama Queen proceeds to get into the car. I proceed to tell her how leggings are meant for under dresses. She tells me what about shirts. I point out that they mean long shirts. Like really long shirts. She shrugs and blows it off. I tell her she can't walk beside me in Walmart. I have no intention of those classy people judging my parenting.
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